This day

By snapper

Growing big

Got home at midnight last night to my own bed, off today but back on the road again tomorrow to Mull & Iona. The ceilidh trail is going well and the youngsters are enjoying it and playing well.

On my return I discover my youngest has got shingles! Its just a small patch but very itchy and sore. Today she went to the doctor who spoke to her like she was something he brought in on the soul of his shoe. Told her she was too young to have shingles and was not happy to prescribe her "expensive" medecine to treat it! She asked for a sick line as her work had told her to go to the docs to get one and he shouted at her she was to "self line" herself. She is only 18 and doesnt know any of this and he could have been nicer. He gets paid plenty and does not a great deal and is probably treading water till he retires.
Today I also got a letter from the same practice. the letter contained no date, had my name spelled wrong and not so much as a signiature!

Are these guys above having manners and some care and decorum!
I remember once upon a time you could get a docotor to come to your home! God if you asked this lot here to do that they would have a hairy fit!

New Pene puppy growing up and learning all the tricks from the other two older ones.

Have a good blip evening all

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