All God's Creatures

By mcrphotography

Green Anole

Contrary to popular belief these are not chameleons although they do share some traits. They are able to adapt their skin color to their surroundings. They can change from a bright green to a dark brown.

If you get one upset he may even bob his head a little and extend his dewlap displaying a rosy color under the neck.

I brought my rather large Jade plant in for the Winter once and had two of them living in the house until the next Spring.

This time I was watering the plants when I saw this little one jump from one to the other. I ran in to get the camera and when I came back out he was drinking from the drops that had formed. After that we had somewhat of a stare down. I got a lot of shots but this one I think is the best in terms of how close I got and centering/focus.

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