Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics


Went to a job site with Hubby this morning and waited in the pickup at a locked gate while he walked in and out of the area. I had brought the newspaper along to read while I waited. I had the window down, it was a nice morning, and while I was reading the paper I heard a bird making lots of noise. Hard to describe so I won't. I spotted her/him hopping from branch to branch on some bushes with a mouthful of bugs. It clearly didn't like me being where I was. It came closer and I thought there must be a nest nearby because of it's beak-ful. Well it flew to the gate and then I spotted it. The wren's (House Wren's I believe) had built a nest inside the housing for the gate lock. There were some sticks poking out. He/she flew into the small opening around the sticks and I heard the babies making noise. She/he then flew out with the 'garbage sack', and to my delight, kept coming back to feed the little ones while I watched and snapped away. More wren photos in my Birds blipfolio here. It's the last 3 shots in the Birds album. Not sure how to get them to pop up when you click on the link.

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