through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


Late blip again!

I recently just came back from a mission trip at Danbury, CT, a town that was only an hour away from New York City! It was a blessing trip and I definitely needed it and it became a little revival for me.

Over the week of VBS (Vacation Bible School), we had a total of 50 KIDS. Everyday, 2,3 new kids would come in and on the last day, we went crazy with bouncehouses with 50 kids running around. But praise God because about 80% of these kids never went to church before and it was their first experience learning about God.
Our team did have a chance to go explore Times Square and it was CRAZY. Everything was moving and huge and I called it the ADD city.

I wish I can post up more pictures and I did plan to update blip as each days goes, but the church's wireless was horrible.

Coming back home has been a challenge since I had to face all my problems again. I've been trying to encourage and hold myself up by remembering praises here and there as each days goes by. But to be honest, things are still crumpling down as I feel like I'm losing everything at once: friends, a community, happiness and contentment. Recently sharing with an older brother in Christ of mine, he encouraged me to read Job. I haven't started yet but I hope as I read a chapter a day, I'll share it on blip.

Even though everything has been failing me recently, God doesn't fail. He remains faithful.

Psalm 22

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