Crap Photo. (With a crap story!)


This is Sidney. Sidney is a spider. (Add 10 observation points if you noticed this also). I have no idea what type of spider Sidney is. Reasons to follow.

Now Sidney lives in approx 0.5 cubic feet of space in my bathroom. He has lived there comfortably for several months. During this time he has eaten many nasty bugs that have entered through the window. He has also shed his own skin three times (didn't know they did this!).

Sidney has never deviated from his assigned 0.5 cubic feet of space.

Now, why is he there you ask. Well......... I'm absolutely terrified of spiders and never could move him on when he first moved in. He is out of reach of the cats, who usually beat spiders to death for me. Since then, everyday I went in I looked up saw him not moving and gingerly went about my bathroom business.

After several weeks I thought, bugger it, I'll name him. Maybe that will help with my phobia.

My phobia comes from childhood, worsened by being made to watch Arachnophobia at a girly sleepover once. I still run my hands under the toilet seat before sitting down! Also I have to rummage through popcorn before eating anyway. That is quite possibly the worst scene in movie history for me!

So my's still there but with Sidney it's different. Possibly as we have been bathroom buddies for such a long time.

Saying that, if he ever decides to move from his assigned zone I will have no problem in asking someone to suck him up the nozzle of my hoover.


Have a housepoint!

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