Capture Life...

By LBorla

BE HAPPY yet again

Guess What? If your blip hits the spotlight (see previous page), and you edit a typo in the text, no more spotlight! I learned that yesterday. However, I was thrilled to tears that my grinning sheep hit the spotlight even if for only 30 or 40 minutes! Thank you so much for all the hearts and stars! Tom is smiling somewhere I'm sure!

This is the shirt that Tom designed when he went on his mission to spread the word of happiness! If you were battling terminal cancer, went bankrupt and had home issues, would you be so brave? This man has given me courage to not sweat the small (or large) things in life that try to bring you down. Today's challenge is obvious to me...BE HAPPY!

Again I leave you with this....even if for only 5 something that makes you happy!

(sorry I used Phoenix as my model today but the cat and chihuahua were both too small! ;)

xoxo Happy Thursday .... sending much love to my UK people ... this is quite a challenge but you can do it!


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