Blip Challenge - Food
Another day of relentless, pouring rain! Honestly it hasn't stopped...well it hadn't until I started typing this! Weather trying to make me out a liar! Grrrrrr!
Have been working from home today due to lack of childcare (bloody nuisance when you have to look after your own child! LOL) Alan had a very long lie and aside from eating, has wanted to do nothing other than watch Friends dvds so I have managed to get a fair amount of work done. Mainly reading but that's the stuff that always gets put to the bottom of the priority list but it still needs done and now that it has been, I'm a happy bunny. :))
When I stopped for lunch (well it was a late breakfast really) of toasted bagel soaked and dripping scraped with Lurpak, I decided to grab today's blip as it fitted with the food challenge. Multitasking! What a girl! :))))
Tastier when viewed LARGE
Going to make a large pot of lentil and ham soup in a little while and will take some for my mum when I pop down to visit later. Her radiotherapy is all done but she's not having an easy time. Still in a lot of pain but eating better thankfully.
Anyhoo, never mind the's almost the weekend! :))))
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