Most of Central Station

Ayr today - a bit of a trek for a very short time . With the flooded lines and all that I was late anyway and then came straight back. With the flooded lines and all that it took a while.

It's been a long time since I needed to go to Ayr and today it wasn't really at it's best. Ayr in August, I imagined. I'll take my lunch break there. Maybe have ice-cream for lunch and get a bit sunburnt.

Glasgow Central Station never disappoints and I managed to avoid security men.

(while a 10-24 lens is, in my experience, the very worst kind of lens to have in the wrong situation, in the right situation it's a dream. Almost a whole train in one shot from the other side of the same building. It was my most expensive impulse purchase ever and because I wasn't alon I can't pretend I'd been thinking about it and saving up for months)

That's the most I've written for weeks. Phew. No real point in going large

now I've looked and there is

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