The Polka Dot Cookies
I have done pretty well since Monday avoiding sweet stuff and chocolate. Today though, I was asked by Cameron if him and Nana could make Polka Dot Cookies. Of course Nana cannot say no to her special grandson, even if I know I will not be able to resist freshly baked cookies. . . . . .
So we got the pinnys on and split the preparation work - the result was tempting and I could not resist sampling them. They were crispy on the outside, soft in the middle, dotted with smarties and chocolate pieces - and they were warm and irresistable. . . .. .. Mmmmmmmmmmm
Naughty me!
ps - My town Perth is on BBC2 tonight - looking good so far - the scenery is just FABULOUS! Come and visit and see for yourself - I will bake COOKIES:-)) xx
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