Five things

By fivethings

From pish to fish

1. Inside this innocent looking bowl is the king of puddings. Slightly squishy raspberries, greek yoghurt and crumbled up caramel digestives.

2. On the train on the way into work I overhear someone say that all trains after the one we were on are cancelled. I say a small thank you to the god of public transport. My day could have started soaking, very, very gloomy with the weather and late. As it is, I?m thankful I?m not late. Two out of three ain't bad.

3. Last week on my run along the canal I come across a man having a pee. He?s standing right in the path and I have to go round him. To be fair he was sure mannerly about the whole thing - I heard his ?sorry pal? as I upped the pace. Today the man who I have to dodge has a pile of fish that he?s caught. I think this week is an improvement. I think, although he was no where near as polite.

4. The place is hoaching with pipers. I have my own private theory that one of the main reasons that Glasgow has avoided riots is due to the fact that the place is wall to wall with bagpipes. Shoosh, listen closely, can you hear them?

5. Not even the ridiculous crumbling of public transport in the rain can stop my excitement about getting home, tucked up, fed and puddinged. All that's left to do is get in a bath and get back to my book, which is ace. Perfect for the midsummer winter nights.

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