Jacky's Journey

By Fudgefase

Visit to the Museum

I went to the museum today. What a nightmare.
Way too many kids running, poking and pushing past, squalling babies and buggies! I had been excited to see the T Rex skeleton (and I don't get excited about much these days!) but it was practically lost in a sea of other creatures, models and skeletons in the hall. It's teeth were rather small as well, which I found curious. There weren't enough labels at the side of exhibits - too much reliance on technology, which unfortunately meant only one person could read about the exhibits at a time, and you might as well forget it if some ill-behaved child was poking away at the touch screen. They're not going to last long, and once it's broken, there will be no way of finding out what you're looking at.
I wish there was just one day a week put aside for over 16's only.

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