SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip


:-( I only have one pair of glasses as I lost my spare pair, in the sea canoeing. I have contact lenses but I can only wear them for short periods. An expense I didn't need 9 days before going on holiday and during the school holidays in which as I'm a supply teacher, I don't get paid.

R and I have helped friend T move house today. It's been an enforced move as her landlord of her other house gave her notice. She only moved into it 3 months ago and T's seriously disabled daughter had just got settled and was happy in that house. R, T's daughter can not speak but communicates in her own way of sign, has very complex needs and it's imperative that they are in a house that allows R move around easily as although she has some movement it's not for too long. R this morning was very distressed and not a happy young lady. R went to her Dads for the afternoon and we've got the new house sorted. Hopefully once R see's her room
Sorted she will be happier and settle into this new home.

My glasses breaking however annoying and inconvenient pales into insignificance compared to R who is just adorable.

T is a fantastic lady who's resilience is just amazing.

Hope you are happy in your new home T & R xx

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