All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Batman's laundry

It's so nice to be back home with Ethan again. Feels a mixture of like we were away forever and as though we were never away. So much but nothing has changed.

Grandpa and I took Ethan to "Bounce & Tickle" today (I should really start calling it Rattle & Rhyme as it has been known as that for about 6 months now). Considering I used to take Ethan nearly every week when I was on maternity leave, it now seems like Granny & Grandpa's domain and was weird going along to it today. Ethan enjoyed himself though & I bumped into another mummy friend there (only to find out she's emigrating back to Australia later in the year - noooo)!

I slept incredibly badly last night so was shattered today. Ethan slept cuddled up to me on the sofa for a while and it was all I could do not to fall asleep there too. He woke up when I tried to move him upstairs though so hubbie took over and I went and curled up in bed for a while.

Granny & Grandpa had left when I surfaced so I didn't even get to say goodbye to them!

In the afternoon, hubbie & I took Ethan along to a new softplay centre which opened near us last week. It's nice enough there but not as big as other ones I've been to with him recently. He still seemed to enjoy himself though and of course wanted to go on the big frame with all the bigger kids charging past him at top speed - eeeek!

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