Diana_Field Photography

By dianafieldphoto

223 / 365 - Wedding Rehearsal!

Took a few shots in a beautiful church today during the wedding rehearsal for Sunday to plan settings for lighting etc. It was very dark at the altar and I can't use flash during the ceremony so it's going to be a bit of a challenge but I'm getting very excited now! I've got some plans in my head now for the kissing shot etc so it should be good!


Went back to college this morning to performing arts to help out with some stuff and it was so lovely to be there and see some much missed faces! Although it was very quiet and odd mid summer... the amount of times I've been back to college it's like I've never left and we're just having really long half term holidays between each visit hehe!

It was lovely though and a lot of fun! It just went too quickly!

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