simple moments

By simplemoments


...from a babbling brook

i was out at my little lake -

saw the great blue... but once again got only blurred shots of him in flight - so frustrating...

chatted with the ducks... who had fun quacking back at me and waddling around my feet, but quickly moved on since i had no food for them - boo...

the geese were honking madly - playing water shennigans like long-lost friends... those shots were very blurry though as well due to all the movement...

sigh... i was in such a quandry as to what to blip - when suddenly as i crossed over a small bridge, i heard rushing water... huh! i've never heard that before - so being my investigative self, i went on the hunt to find the origin and there i found the cutest ever babbling brook...

which i thought was very appropriate since i like to babble! we've had so much rain lately i'm sure it's much fuller than it usually is - why i'm hearing it now and typically don't... it worked out perfectly... the faster moving water produced a lot of bubbles for me to play with to get some very cool shots -

and made for a

happy day.....

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