Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Patiently Waiting

I don't know how many of you do this, but yesterday I was torn between two shots. The 2nd I figured would be easier to recreate, maybe even perfect. Today, however, when I tried to recreate that so-called easier shot, conditions just weren't working in my favor. The lighting was off, the sky not quite as blue, the rose petals a bit wilted. Argh! So, I went for something new: my first spider web capture. I want to try a wet one sometimes as well, but I'll wait for nature to afford me the proper conditions to allow such a shot. I know I could fudge the conditions, but I guess I'm more of an old-fashioned photographer in that sense. I prefer natural versus simulated settings. Another practice in patience, I suppose. Believe me, patience is a hard-fought battle most days!

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