Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

The Kitchen Sink

Everything and in the kitchen sink!
Every photo in my sunny collage was taken in the kitchen sink. No kidding! I bought a little potted sunflower plant that has a minimum of 7 or 8 blooms. It only stands about 2 1/2 feet tall and since we're not in our rainy season, it was difficult remembering to keep it wet enough outside. I learned that someone was keeping theirs in the house, so I brought it inside and, in my haste to set it down, I put it in the kitchen sink. When I came home, I found it bathed in the evening sun saying "blip me....blip me..."


Thank you for your kind comments on yesterday's blip. I'm sorry to have confused a few of you. The story is one that has been begging to be told and kept as a treasure. I added a comment on my post yesterday explaining that the girl in the story was me 18 years ago. My first husband passed away a year later. The swizzle stick has been kept in my office since the time the story happened as a reminder to me that no matter how tough life gets, it's still a choice to be happy or sad.

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