The Beach

My phone alarm went off at 5.45am this morrning, a very soothing alarm not one of those awful bell sounds that makes you want to throw the clock out of the window!!

I decided to have a look outside to see what the weather was up to, our club was having a field trip down at the beach and then afterwards meeting at a small cafe for breakfast, which was quite appealing as Rob was off early shooting today.

I hadn't intended to go, but then just before going to bed I thought I might so did the alarm thing!!

Hard frost & lots of stars at home but the nearer I got to the sea the foggier it got, did we sea the sun rise no, only once did a slight glimmer show of which I took in this photo! but it was a very good breakfast! bacon & eggs and a Latte.

The Wetlands Cafe south end of Timaru worth a stop.

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