must try harder

By halfcj

Ten years on.

Happy birthday to my B. Lots of Love and Kisses all round.

The kids all bounded in to our bedroom this morning singing "Happy Birthday" waking us with bad harmonies and a nice cup of tea!....and lots of pressies and cards.

At 26, 24, 18 and 16, they all (including Dilly the Dog!) did a hand painting with their hand prints, names and ages (including letters written backwards), just as they did as toddlers, in a massive frame that will take pride of place in the kitchen. Brought tears to her eyes, soppy woman!

As for me, B had photographs taken by a local photographer who came recommended, for my birthday 10 years ago, with all 4 kids in a square. I thought it would be nice to reciprocate, obviously with me as the photographer this time, but with them all trying to capture the same look, ten years on!

Amazing the difference in the young boys whereas the older two have changed little. I like how they are growing into their faces, their character and personalities. Love my children. Love their Mother. Happy Birthday B xxxx

******** Seems the powers that be would not allow my birthday shot for my B....because the photos I photographed had borders around each of my babies....which is how the originals are that I photographed side by side. You can clearly see it's how the originals are, as the oldest is discoloured and distorted, so I have not put them on there! Shame. Kinda spoils my B's day, for she loved the blip!

So instead, I have photographed the artwork they did for their Mum's Birthday.

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