
By Shandonner


First Fringe show was not bad, Nick Doody. Funny at times, which I guess is what you want from a comedian. On for a few more days.

Afterwards had a wander down some closes. I don't think I've been down Chalmers Close since I was at primary school back in nineteen something or other. Glad to see that it still houses the Brass Rubbing Centre. Slightly sad that it is housed in all that remains of the Trinity College Kirk. A gothic church that was moved to make way for the railways, with the intention of re-building brick by brick. It didn't quite happen.

Flat battery, crappy phone photo. There was almost one from the pub later on. It would have served as a warning on the dangers of macaroni cheese after one too many pints. As demonstrated by one chap at the table across from us.

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