Jess & Molly Law

By jml

Please feed me!

Most days, Jess & Molly go out for a walk, I prepare breakfast, and it is all ready for them when they return. Today, the walk is not until 10 o'clock, so I get breakfast ready as soon as they are dressed.

First thing I find is that the food-box in the kitchen is empty. So I have to go out to the garage to top it up. As usual, Molly sticks close by me in case she misses anything. In fact, I hardly think she could get any closer!

Even once back in the kitchen, she can't move away from the corner where I'm putting the meal together (including all her extra 'courses'). Jess, on the other hand, is quite relaxed about it. She is content to sit and wait until I am ready to serve them.

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