Milo and Chino

They really enjoyed the good weather today! Played like it's going out of fashion while C and the two R's worked on the bird's cage!

They were dééply involved in building the cage, when I discovered a REAL bargain in a Newspaper ad, the exact laptop I was looking for to upgrade, was available at about a 40% discount, but only until tomorrow!! I phoned immediately, to check if they had any more in stock, and they had only two left! Woohoo!! Needless to say, my dear son- in- law interrupted his plans to finish the cage and we all left for Johannesburg to buy it!

C is busy installing AVG at the moment, she has installed Microsoft Office 2010 already, and I am busy saving all my work on my external hard drive now, in order to transfer it to my new laptop later tonight! Luvvvv it!

Will have to re-install the bookkeeping programmes as well as the networking apps at work next week, will go into office, despite the fact that we have school holidays now, in order to have everything up to date when school reopens! Sóóóó exciting!!

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