Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Fings Ain't What They Used To Be....

..Including Drinking Fountains.

This rather fine specimen was found in the middle of Wallingford.
It (probably wasn't lost and) has, apparently, lived here since the mid 1880s.
I do sense it's had a lick of paint since then.
A 'lick of paint' is such a funny phrase... And speaks volumes I feel. Has anything which has experienced 'a lick of paint', ever been 'lovingly restored' I wonder?

I had intended a cat blip for this evening.
However, the cat of Mr and Mrs Next Door is conspicuous by his absence :-/
I'm slightly concerned, because as far as Himself is concerned, our agile feline charge has been wearing his heart somewhat firmly on the fur of his frontpaw (and not only at suppertime) and has been perfecting the 'drop cat', from a great height, for a week now :-)

I hate to say it, but I fear he might have been tempted 'in' (shock horror) by Mrs Across the Road... Oh dear. Village politics eh!

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