Lali's World

By Lali

Fringe 11 - A Street Theater Performer

This girl was performing in the street. When I arrived there, she was just in the process of gathering her audience. Once the audience was gathered and she started the show, the skies opened and it started to rain! I stayed in spite of the rain and watched the show. Not bad. Good banter!

Some day today. To start with, when I went to work I witnessed a violent domestic. A couple was arguing, there was another guy. that guy got punched by the guy in the couple, and fell unconscious on the floor. The girl went to help him but the guy that was with her pushed her aside. Then he went back, realised that the guy on the floor was totally unconscious and tried to help him onto the pavement. At this point a passer by aproached them and gave them a hand. He made a call, and an ambulance appeared a few minutes later. I hope the guy's ok. You punch and then you help, that's Leith!

After that I came across an assortment of strange people in the street. At least, at work today, the tourists were nice! I even got a bit chated by a really cute guy ;)

Strange weather today, but I had a glimpse of the sun, yes! That strange thing that appears in Scotland only occasionally - the sun!!!! But it was overcast on the whole and pissing down in the evening again!

Now relaxing at home. Off tomorrow. Hoping to see the sun again at some point! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my Fringe blips! I hope you all had a nice and less wet weekend! :)

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