Dee Day

Quiet house this morning as I listened to the radio and pondered my Juno walk.

Eventually I headed out, a relatively quiet hill with very few dogs.

At the summit I met a man with kids, the kids were all over Juno and we chatted. A lady was there also with a greyhound, what a great banter.

The family set off down the hill and I walked with the Dee and the greyhound. She used to be a sculpture and ceramics teacher and was great company. I ended up walking most of the way back to her sisters chatting. What a lovely Geordie Lassie and thanks for letting me take your photo.

Back home and a list of chores, half way through eco daughter's knee locked. Her Exostosis was really sore and she could hardly walk. I spent the afternoon in the sick kids, sadly it is rest and pain killers. I reckon she is on a growth spurt and all the muscles are stretching and the lump of bone is in the way.

Back home and ice on the eco daughter's knee, chores completed and chill out with the family.

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