What is it with people? The other night I was at a show and sat beside one of these blokes with jiggley leg syndrome. Thankfully I spotted an empty seat nearby and was able to shift to that as soon as I realised that jiggly leg man was causing the whole row of seats to shoogle.
Then today the woman that sat beside me decided to wait until the performance started to rummage through her handbag , which she then dropped. And at least 3 people in my vicinity were sipping from their water bottles every few minutes. Surely people can last one hour without water? It's not like it was Parsifal they were being asked to sit was a play that lasted barely an hour.
The bloke who sat behind me at the next show must have unzipped and rummaged in his backpack and re-zipped it at least 20 times. His timing was amazing; tense pause on stage.... "yes, father, I'm pregnant.." ZIP, ZIP.
And at tonight's concert the bloke behind constantly was banging the back of my seat. Oh and we also had the water bottle addicts there too.
People. Tsk.
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