As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

All Day. All Night.

I had quite a busy day. After a 9:30 foot doctor appointment I drove to Alpine for WSJ Troop 70006's Reunion and Recognition Lunch. It was great seeing everyone again. We had an awesome lunch, played frisbee, and the leader's gave out a bunch of stuff. I got a plaque for "Doing A Good Turn Daily" and the piece of wood that I climbed twenty feet into the air on a rickety ladder in the rain and cut off the gateway. I couldn't have asked for anything better than that :) It was really sad to think how this was really our last hoorah together as a troop. We all live in the same region but not close enough that we could see each other often. We all said really dramatic goodbyes that took forever. When I decided that it was time to go I said goodbye and walked to my car to find that we had a flat tire. After thirty minutes of fixing that we got on the road and headed home. When I got home I jumped into the shower and then James drove me and my brother to Allison's house. She was having a concert in her backyard and I played cello with her and her brother, Phil. That was really fun. After that I went straight to Taylor's birthday party. We went in the pool and hung out and had a great time.

This is our last group hug (and really our only group hug...)

I'm really going to miss everyone from the jamboree :(

Word of the Day: Holus-bolus - All at once; altogether

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