Mrs Unremarkable

By MrsUnremarkable

Don't anyone mention bloody boats

Woke up to sunshine this morning. The In-laws expressed a wish to go for a little trip in the boat as it was lovely and calm. Against my better judgement, I decided to go along, and really enjoyed my first trip in the yellow peril. Pottered along close enough to the shore to be able to see the birds & the seals but far out so as not to become entangled in the lobster pots (all except the one bouy that we towed along for a short while - hope no one was watching that!) It is really interesting seeing the coastline from the sea. The trouble started when we got back. Many cross words, sea water a foot over the top of the wellies anda bloodied knee later, I am NOT speaking to Jibba for the rest of the day. So if he happens to drop and tries to engage in any blip talk, please ignore him as he's been sent to Coventry.

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