
Back to the food festival today ................ I was due a pair of scissors which were not in the box of rather expsensive knives I bought yesterday as they should have been.

The weather was nicer today and we actually got some sun and warmth.
Having said that, there seemed to be a lot more wellies on show.
I considered shooting as many kinds of wellies as I could - but then discarded the idea.

Being a Sunday getting into/through the Queens Park is an impossible task so we ended up parking in the cave under Dynamic Earth and negotiating the really narrow gap that passes as a barrier entrance.
Also being Sunday (and most of the purveyors of alcohol being from South of the border) there seemed to be a certain amount of confusion amoungst said purveyors as to when they could start dishing out the booze.

So we sat and had a very tasty burger and watched some of the snippets from Lost In Mozart.

I think this young chap had the same opinion as me about rap from the show and walked (note the wellies) right past to watch the girls who - for some unknown reason - played Vivaldi.

I liked the way the clouds piled up behind the parliament as we walked back to the car ............just in time - rain started and the crowds were piling in.
I hope it didn't last long.

EDIT ........... bugger - Once again I have missed a milestone Blip and it is the world and his brother that point it out to me.
Thank you all for your comments and support

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