Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy


We went to the Tramway Museum at Crich today. This isn't really my cup of tea at all, but there was a 1940's event on and it looked promising.

It was ace! There were tons of people dressed up in period costume, loads of old cars and WWII-themed events running throughout the day. I took a ton of photos that have already made their way onto a Facebook album, a few that I Flickr'd too - but it has been one of those days when I took more than I know what to do with. I am teaching WWII as a topic when the Autumn Term starts off though, so will be using a lot of them on a wall display in the classroom. The kids LOVED the topic the last time I did it, and I am hoping these help this time round.

There were more people with cameras than not today, and it was clear that Nikon was winning the brand war. I was squeezing between some of the trams in the garage when I took this shot. My daughters were staying outside and I had taken a shot of them like this one. I did a quick 'chimp' to check the lighting, adjusted the shutter speed slightly and took another. It was only then did I realise they'd moved and someone was taking a shot into the garage! Turned out to be one of my favourites of the day - nothing to do with the 1940's theme at all, but a statement on the inevitability of getting someone holding a camera in a photo!

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