Alex photo diary

By Alex170211

Que boca tan grande.... Es para comerte mejor!

3 more days and I'll be 6 months old!
I've learnt quite a few tricks since the last time I've been here...For example,
I can now sit up with very little support and I have learnt to roll on my tummy at the speed of light! My favourite new thing is to eat proper food now almost like a grown up.
At breakfast, Abuela told me the story of a little girl and a bad wolf with a big mouth who wanted to eat her! I would have eaten him with MY big mouth before he even had a chance! I might be little but I've already taken on some elephants, which I'm now wearing as pyjamas, and a crocodrile (ok, he was plastic but remember I'm only 6 months of age).
We then went out for a walk and a spot of shopping and I got a lovely baby suit that reads in big letters: "I love my mum" Gran says it really suits me.
Afterwards we went to the park and had lots of fun going on the swings. I enjoy feeling the wind blowing in my just makes me laugh.
Finally back home for a wee siesta before mum and dad came to pick me up.
Hope I can come back soon....miss those 2 dafties already ;-) x

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