Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

washed out........................

which is exactly how i feel.
10000+ pics gone. a whole record of the last 8 months. something which has become a bit of an obsession at times and no trace of it left. except for blip of course but even then that's only 269 images (including todays.) drop in the ocean when you consider what was lost.
it's the pics of baby McD which i won't be able to get again. those one off moments...............................even as i type this i'm getting more and more wound up about it.
i know a lot of the ones i lost can be replaced bird shots, smoke blips and so on but it also showed my development over this time. how my photography has improved...............well hopefully improved.

going to leave it there as i am just too upset about this. i don't mean the crying like a wee lassie with a skint knee kind of upset, i'm leaning more towards the take revenge on the world kind of upset. was contemplating leaving blip for a while as i just have nothing else to offer at the moment. who know's it may all look different tomorrow, just not sure how many more kicks i can take and still keep smiling.

have a great weekend blippers.........

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