michigan man

By outdoorguy

Butterfly Bush

I finally got to take a walk this morning after 11
days of limping around on my bum ankle. It felt pretty good, and I don't think
it's going to swell up again.
Last fall I put in a small butterfly bush in my
back yard. It took all spring to grow, and just last week...it finally got some
flowers on it. It now stands about 2 feet tall.
This bush is about a half-mile away from my house.
The swallowtails really like it. Last year I was on the peoples sidewalk...when
the young grandma came out with her little granddaughter to get the mail. I was
hidden by the bush, and she didn't see me for quite a while. She finally spotted
me...She in her nightie, and me standing there with a camera around my neck. It
made us both uncomfortable, but...heh...I'm on a city sidewalk. Isn't that
within my rights? If it happens again...I'll at least do a loud cough to
announce my presence.
I gently talked to the 2 butterflies that were
fluttering around the bush. "If you'll take a right, and then 2 lefts...you'll
find a cute little new bush that is just teeming with flowers.
Welll... Maybe not teeming...but there are a half-a-dozen fresh buds." I
added...."C'mon girls...follow me." They didn't listen, and just kept going
about their business.
Maybe next year...as my bush grows...I can get some
new visitors. We can only wish. I could watch them for hours.

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