It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

My cousins are here!

Oh boy, oh boy, I was sooooo excited this afternoon because my cousins have arrived for a few days. Yippeeeeee!

They are sooooooo exciting, they always scream and run and taste sooooo good. I run around chasing them, licking them and stealing their toys! It is chaos and I LOVE it :-)

Here we are at the cricket field this afternoon. We took the ball thrower and had SUCH fun. The only problem is that G & L can't throw it very far and in fact sometimes it goes behind them and hits mum or Aunty Eve *giggle* So every now and again mum or Aunty Eve would throw it so I had a good run. I did enjoy running off with the ball and having G & L chase me though, then I would lie down with it in front of me and JUST as they had caught up with me to get it, I would grab it and run off again! Hee hee. I gave them a real good run ;-)

My friend Max arrived (that's him in the photo) he is 5 and a really big boy. He loves his ball too. He is a lot calmer than me though. He sat down next to mum for a cuddle and a tickle tummy. I REALLY don't have time for such things. I am far too busy causing chaos ;-)

I have been feeling very naughty tonight. I have been stealing things to chew......I stole the big box of dominos, little G's brand new lunch bag for her new school and then I ran off with the blow up bed (that was a bit hard because it is heavy!) So I have been told off quite a bit, but honestly, if they will leave this stuff lying around what is a puppy like me supposed to do??

I CAN'T WAIT until tomorrow

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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