fovea centralis

By fovea

beach toes

The last morning of my short stay in the stunning Turks & Caicos, I woke up early (not in the least hungover this time) and took a stroll along the beach. I sat there in the sand for a good long while, near a washed up driftwood piece, and was at peace. Really, how could one not be at peace with such a tranquil view.

it was bittersweet to leave the island, family, and friends, but one can't stay there forever. reality is waiting.

oh, almost failed to mention the one unpleasant thing about paradise: bugs. i didn't really see them, or feel them bitting, but they did. And apparently I was tasty, because I got bit all over despite a heavy coating of bug spray! (multiple applications even!)


wedding backblip
paradise backblip

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