For you, Daily Post.

Twelve months ago I took a shot of this cherry blossom in the park. Little did I know that one year on, I would be taking another shot, by myself ( apart from Chester!). What a good job we don't know what's ahead of us.
I promised Mr. & Mrs. D.P. that I would blip today, regardless of how I felt. It's hard, but life must go on. For the first time in a long time I had an uninterrupted sleep, so I feel quite good and able to face the world.My daughter, son-in-law, Mr & Mrs D.P. have been a most wonderful source of strength to me during the past week and I thank them from the bottom of my heart, as I also thank relatives , friends and neighbours.

And now I come to you Blippers!! You are the most wonderful people and I can't thank you enough for your thoughts, words, prayers and even a song written for Grandpapa. I can't thank you all personally, but, as D.P. has already said, one day we might all meet, if we could get some kind of 'get-together' arranged. ( I don't mind organising that!!)

Then I can thank you all and toast you!!

Gill xx

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