Places you never knew it could be......
Oh what A night. Late September back in 64...
No that is another song.
I've had a perfectly lovely night with my mammy. Together with our Friend David, we went for a wee fly.
I was a bit very excited about that, because if I had to look at Troon, anywhere other than Dundonald Hill, it would be from a plane.
And it was so much more than that.
We took off and circled Troon a few times - over me mam's house , and then over our house. It wasn't til I got the photos uploaded that I realised our Car was moving and Si was actually in the car as we circled overhead.
We then headed up the coast, and took in Irvine, Ardrossan, Fairlie and Largs. We could see the hills all the way to Loch Lomond, and the Paps of Jura, 56 Miles away. Arran from the air, and Arran from just a little further up the coast is completely different and oh so beautiful.
The evening was still and you could see for miles. I was awestruck just looking at the sun starting to dim over the mountains. Scotlands mountains are beautiful. Dark and Angry and hiding secrets, but beautiful.
We turned and came back down the coast, taking our time over Clyde Marinaa, where I used to work - delighted to see the beautiful new Boat Display area, and then as we came over Troon again, the Air Traffic burst in to life, advising nearby planes of the Sea King Search and Rescue travelling North East from Dunure to Crosshouse Hospital, and a business helicopter travelling from Dalry to Ayr.
We scoured the heavens and spotted both of them - is quite amazing to see other aircraft around the same height as you.
A slow approach and a circle around Monkton , and then we came into Land.
I will admit to holding my breath - it's quite something to watch the runway come up beneath you, when you appear to be sitting in something very fragile.
Thanks David.... That was Lovely!
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