Welsh Dragon

By WelshDragon

Day Eight

It is a week and a day after we started work on clearing the ex-rented house that my mum owns. It actually feels like we are getting somewhere ... for instance you can actually SEE the floor in the kitchen.
Today was exciting for several reasons:
1. We hired a van to start emptying the house
2. We found the front door keys so we don't have to walk miles round through the back garden via the garage and outside toilet every time we need to get in or out of the house
3. We were allowed to park on the next-door-neighbour's drive so we didn't have to walk all the way back up the hill every time we wanted to take something back to the car or van
4. We found some interesting things, such as a "to do" list, the first item on the list being "Burn My Will"
5. We have constructed a bonfire of gigantic proportions in an empty field next to my parents' house, made up of old broken furniture and carpets and bits of wood and "to do" lists.
Tomorrow we are going to get a shredder to try and get rid of some of the brambles we have chopped down in the garden. And maybe light the bonfire!

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