
By redridergirl


Aged in several ways.

First, aged in that Wednesday marks my first day as a senior - nine more months of free, public education. Whilst I stil feel as young and naïve as I did four years ago upon entering high school, it is slowly dawning on me that I am poised at the edge of the nest. I know I'll leap... but will I fly? Maybe that's the overly poetic, coffee drinking and classical music listening part of me speaking in riddles; feel free to ignore it. I do worry, though, that I'll leave the house in about a year, and flounder about for a while (or longer.)

Second, because this has the feel to me of being old. Something about it speaks to me in a filmy sort of way, even though a modern digital camera has none of the quirks and nuances of film. It just feels old.

Third, because I felt as if I had aged a lifetime or more while taking this photo. Perhaps it is only while wearing uncomfortably seeping wellies in a muddy pond, squatting down, and trying to touch neither the tripod nor tug on the neckstrap around your neck, and then holding the pose for thirty seconds does one truly feel the monotonous passing of time.

I love the way the tips of some of the blades of grass were in the water, wiggling about, blurring themselves.

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