new T-shirts

School's Out for Gulli and Boys Don't Cry by The Cure for Zebedee!

We've had a great day!

We set off for the Palace Pier with my Mum via St Nicholas Church, it dates back to the 16th century and the font is 1000 years old, in the graveyard is the grave of Phoebe Hessel born 1713, best known for disguising herself as a man to serve in the British Army, probably to be with her lover, Samuel Golding, she died aged 108!! I've always been fascinated by her and was pleased to show the boys the grave today.

Then on to the T-shirt shop! This photo is taken outside All Saints in East Street.

Then the Pier for bumper cars, ghost train and inflatable slide...

Then we went to Maroccos Italian restaurant for lunch and met my dear friend Sarah who is Zeb's Godmother and another friend Diana I haven't seen for years and her brother Mark, we had a delicious lunch and then went back to Diana's Mum Cynthia's flat on the 5th floor overlooking the sea, where we had tea from 1950's bone china cups and cake, the boys built a tower out of blocks and Diana gave us all a handmade jewellery gift, silver rings for the boys, green beaded earrings for me and a coil beaded grey ring for sarah, Diana is a very talented person who designs jewellery, acts, directs and teaches, she is very funny and affectionate and the boys adored her!

Then a mad dash to get home on the train, a fun day!

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