
By grounded

A good day

What a lot I achieved today!

Up just before hubby headed off to work and had a quick b'fast before reading Luke 10 v 1 - 16 about Jesus sending out the 72! Reflected on that passage as I then proceeded to spend till lunchtime clearing out stuff from the house. Some stuff was passed on quickly and claimed by friends as I offered it up on Facebook. Other stuff was put aside for going on ebay and a third pile was readied for the charity shops.

I was waiting in for a delivery which arrived at lunchtime leaving me free to pop into town after lunch and drop the stuff at the charity shop. After which it was back home to get the low down on renting out the house. All good and figures done and we will pop the house onto the rental market by the end of the week whilst still leaving it up for sale.

This evening I headed out and walked into town meeting my prayer partner on the way. We enjoyed a lovely meal and glass of wine before heading back home. Once We had parted I took this blip as I walked up the road. Picked up hubby from the pub on the way past and now it's time to hit bed and sleep.

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