Accordian man

I have been spoiled for choice for photos today, having had Dennis up to mischief around the pool, James and Lee sword fighting with the 'noodle' floats for in the pool and then heading down to Guadarmar this evening for a meal at Rodero.

however, I chose the man who came and serenaded the restaurant with his wonderful accordian playing. James went and gave him a donation which started other people dipping into their pockets. The lovely man kindly played and posed for some photos for me AND thanked me for taking them.

Another smashing evening down by the beach, lovely low, waning moon over sea, reflecting beautifully. Restaurants full to busting at 10.30 in the evening. Once again, wonderful staff at Rodero who looked after James and brought wondrous food. A lovely walk on the beach, just me and my boy.

The ones I could have used

Now, Sangria, pringles and getting ready to head up for a bit of time with my lovely husband out on the balcony, chatting and reading before sleepy time.

Going to be an interesting day tomorrow...

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