Inspired By Life...

By lauratelfer

the moon again

apologies for the lack of blips recently, been busy and not had much motivation for proper photo taking.

on the plus side i got taken up to my gran and papa's attic a few days ago to be shown an absolute tonne (ok maybe a slight exaggeration there) of old photographic equipment that belonged to my great grandpa, including 5 lenses for a panasonic slr (which i happen to have) 2 really sturdy tripods, one small one large, an enlarger which is really cool, loads of old 16mm film reels full of black and white films my great grandpa used to make (just need to find a thing that will play them. lots of slides and a slide projector that is in its original packaging and scratchless. Its Brilliant! :D

Then today my boyfriend found out he got the job he had been at an interview for in the morning so i treated him to a meal at the counting house in George Sq where they are filming that Brad Pitt film, and after a big problem with the card reader machine things we ended up getting the meal and drinks free! :D

this is a 5 min blip to test my new tripod, its pretty good (aka didnt fall over or break :D)

Also P.S, my little sis started high school today, so well done to her for making it though the 1st day :P

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