
check out my mum and dad's new solar panels! they are ace - and my dad spent most of today phoning my mum to check how many units it had collected so far haha. in a few years they will have paid for themselves and my parents will be selling energy from them to the grid - how ace is that? also, they work from daylight and not direct sunlight which is just as well in the north east really... I would love some but we're in a conservation area so not sure if we'd be allowed. worth asking though.

anyhoo, the girls went back to school today. they said they didn't want to go, but they were keen to get there early so I suspect they were a bit excited. peggy starts tomorrow - expect a blip of my wee smasher in her tiny new uniform, complete with glowing white socks and unscuffed shoes *sniff*. must keep it together...must keep it together...

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