One Day Like This

By sennema

Pins and needles

Pre-holiday stress! Leaving for a week of camping on the beautiful island of Vlieland on Saturday, but I'll be off to the North tomorrow night to see some friends. So much still needs to be done... J. and I always get really grumpy in these situations, since we both have significantly different packing methods. So this Blip seemed to be appropriate.

- finish my projects at work
- pack my bags
- shave J.'s head
- get my head straight
- pick out reading material
- print out boat tickets
- clean the windows
- do laundry
- sleep
- sew big tear in distressed boyfriend jeans
- Blip

That feels good! ;-)
So after 40 something Blips, it hurts me to leave you lot for a while. There will be a lot of backblipping though, Vlieland is such a gorgeous place. Take care!

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