Temple Tours

By wakakajennie

we've been here before

Today is Wednesday and I am still not complaining about being back at work. Nope. Not me.

This shot was taken at some traffic lights just beside what was once the city abattoir. There is a grassy area in front of the building which used to provide the animals; invariably sheep, with a little last meal grazing. I can remember vividly that as a child I used to gaze with some wonderment at this unexpected pastoral scene set against the urban backdrop of houses and roads heavy with commuter traffic. I can also distinctly remember the moment when I realised why the animals were there. Rudy had that moment today. The questions lead to questions lead to questions and suddenly I found myself explaining in the gentlest way possible the very ungentle methods of how we get meat. We have, of course, spoken about the connection between meat and animal before, but Rudy had never fully got that the animal would be killed. By us.

So.... an emotional and very interesting conversation was had and I explained to him that we don't have to eat meat and that we have a choice. Rudy has chosen sausages. Although he did say with utter conviction that he would never ever eat cow. Until I told him about hamburgers....

I think this may become a good game for me and the kids (and maybe you, if you like?):

spot the burger

(and Richie, I know you are going to struggle with this... but no-one knows how it got there. ok)

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