Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


A good day. Work, then a nice little ramble down to Fairview to meet one my Music group mates for coffee and chat, then more work, then lunch and a bit of daytime TV, then work.

By 4:30 I was well ready for some fresh air and a bit more walking, since the weather was once again unusually nice. What better to do than retrace yesterday's steps, so. This time I got off the DART at Sutton and walked from there to Howth to get the DART from there back home again. How could I have missed this shark thing yesterday? It's right beside the entrance to the DART station, something to do with the Cottage Market (at least, I think that's what it's called). Anyway, it looked rather dramatic against the beautiful clear blue sky, so there was non contest really when it came to deciding today's blip.

When I got back there was an email from the magazine client with some excellent and encouraging feedback about the re-design. Most importantly, and very sensibly, she's decided to wait until the end-of-year issue to implement the new look, rather than rush into something for the upcoming issue without sufficient forethought.

It's been a lazy evening since.

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