
Hole in 1. I've been playing golf for 26years and never had a hole in one, this year I have had two in quick succession. The first one, a couple of weeks ago I won 2 tickets to the Motogp final in Valencia, as it was a major comp. Today it was our Society golf day and it cost me 65 euros, this was offset by the fact that I won the '2s' comp, we each put a euro in the pot and anyone who gets a '2' on a par 3 gets the money, however a 'hole in one' scoops the kitty, so that was 24 euros, I came 1st in my division so I won 11 euros, Roy came first in his division and won 11 euros , so 55 euros went towards the final bill.

Busy day today, arrived home to find Corin and Sarah washing down our large patio in readiness for the bbq tonight. I set too and cooked a butternut squash and pineapple curry, a hawaiian bean bake, home made morrocan chickpea bread, chicken marinaded in various sauces, Sarah did a lovely rissotto, burgers, sausages and lots of booze. A very successful evening.

Off to bed, as I have a gym session booked tomorrow.

The blip is the 'Hole in One' trophy and the ball I used.

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