In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


As you are aware Annabel is staying with us until we take her back home to County Durham on Saturday. She is so easy to deal with, and keen to try stuff out.
Yesterday June made chlli and put too much chilli flakes and whole chillis in it, but Annabel ate it all and even aske if she could finish June's. Which is an absolute no-no.
Today is the festival of St Joseph of Cupertino who was famous for levitating during prayer and is the patron saints of air travelers, pilots and astronauts.
So now you know.
I would also like today to pay tribute to Francis Munro who died yesterday at the age of only 63. He was the first Aberdeen player to score a European competitive goal in the 10-0 roasting of Reykjavik in the late 60's.
He the went on to play for Wolves after they were impressed with him in a game Aberdeen played in the USA under the name of The Washington whips.

For all the people who view my blips via facebook, I should point out, in case you did not know, that all the titles of my blips are song titles and the video can be viewed by clicking on the yellow highlighted word or words.
So if any of you are flying today, or levitating, I hope St J of C, is keeping his watchful, deceased eye on you.

If any of you are wondering where Cupertino is, Cupertino is a suburban city in Santa Clara County, California, U.S., directly west of San Jose on the western edge of the Santa Clara Valley. It is also the place where Apple is planning to build it's new round Apple city.

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