
By IzzyK

Call the CSI, get Grissom...

...out of retirement immediately we have a full blown investigation going down here that needs his expertise.

The crime scene was only spotted after finishing the dishes when I looked up to see blood 'coloured' splats all over my kitchen window, blinds, wall & cellling. On further examination the splats were identified as Tomoto Soup. Highly suspcious indeed as Aidan had made some for lunch, the suspect was frogmarched in to the kitchen & questioned at lenght to all denial of knowledge of damage to my kitchen.

'Could it be a ghost?' asks he doing all sweetness & light & a seriously dead pan face while I was looking for his minute & telling 'lying' signs (his nose wriggles ever so slightly) to little avail! Still not got to the bottom of it, or the top of it really, just how am I going to clean the celling...

Should have smelt a rat when he washed up the dishes after his escapades in the kitchen earlier, it was nothing to do with me drilling in to him to tidy up straight away at all, it was guilt & cover up of the highest order! Well the boy has been suitably punished I played Katy Perry's Last Friday several times over as I attempted operation clean up...

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